
Saints row 2 barrio tag locations
Saints row 2 barrio tag locations

Charlestown Warehouse: Still there, now considered to be in Stoughton.Cecil Park Drug Lab: Now an empty lot with some barrels and possibly hobos standing around.Black Bottom Refinery: Still there, possibly some alterations but I didn't really notice any.Stoughton Shipyard: Still there, now considered in Fox Drive.Fox Drive Weapons Plant: Still there, though most of the interior is not available (although it does appear on the minimap).The Saints Row District has been completely redone.

saints row 2 barrio tag locations

It's a small area with benches and a nearby minimart now. Pool hall: The place where Lin was held captive is gone entirely from SR2.However, he now has a new shop (see Chop Shop Activities). Donnie's: Gone at the original location, replaced by a minimart.There is now a sign reading Tysonian the Condonian. Anthony's condo: Still there, but no longer enterable.Instead there are walkways, trees, benches, and a large rotating Ultor globe. Kingdom Come Records: There is no building here at all.Wardill Airport: Massively redesigned, now enterable.However, the icon for an Insurance Fraud (unnamed male doctor) is outside of it, implying his office should be inside the building. The Mills Drug Lab: Still there, no longer enterable.Saints Row Church: Moved to a new location, renovated, has an accessible second floor now but the back and side rooms are inaccessible.Price Mansion: Still there, but no longer enterable and has fallen into disarray a bit.In SR1 it had a sign saying Last Century Insurance Company on it, but in SR2 that sign is gone and a sign in a different spot reads The Ruchamkin Denebola Corporation. King Penthouse: Still there, though no longer enterable and has a new texture which changes some windows and such.Lopez Mansion: Still there, though no longer enterable.

Saints row 2 barrio tag locations